1. Configure class-map first (class-map matches the tags) class-map match-any VOICE-RTP match dscp ef class-map match-any VIDEO-INTERACTIVE match dscp af41 match dscp cs4 class-map match-any CALL-SIGNALING match ip dscp cs3 match ip dscp af31 class-map match-any SCAVENGER match ip dscp cs1 2. Then Policy-map allocates percentage of bandwidth & reservations based on class policy-map WAN-PRIMARY class VOICE-RTP priority level 1 percent 10 class VIDEO-INTERACTIVE priority level 2 percent 20 class CALL-SIGNALING bandwidth percent 5 class SCAVENGER bandwidth percent 10 class class-default shape average 9500000000*** Then Service-policy applies policy-map to interface interface Gi1/0/1 service-policy output WAN-PRIMARY
Note: ***shape average should be lowered by bandwidth minus 5 percent, in bits for 1Gb it would be 950Mb the five percent was rule of thumb for 100Mb so took 1Gbps knocked it down to 950Mb for gig it's 950 million = 950,000,000 bits, and 95Mb shape average for 100Mb circuit Bits Per Second Cheatsheet: 1 Kbps = 1,000 bps (one thousand bits per second) 100 Kbps = 100,000 bps (100 thousand) 1 Mbps = 1,000,000 bps (1 million) 100 Mbps = 100,000,000 bps (100 million) 1 Gbps = 1,000,000,000 bps (1 billion) 10 Gbps = 10,000,000,000 bps (10 billion)
class-map match-any test match vlan 15 ! policy-map test class test police cir 512000 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5 switchport mode trunk load-interval 30 service-policy input test Not only is it extremely simple to configure and intuitive from an IOS perspective but you actually get output from the show policy-map command. Rack1SW1#sho policy-map interface g1/0/5 GigabitEthernet1/0/5 Service-policy input: test Class-map: test (match-any) Match: vlan 15 police: cir 512000 bps, bc 16000 bytes conformed 18935704 bytes; actions: transmit exceeded 761225593 bytes; actions: drop conformed 0000 bps, exceed 0000 bps Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Rack1SW1#
access-list 1 permit xx.xx.xx.xx class-map match-all voice match access-group 1 #access-list 1 policy-map voice-protect class voice set ip dscp 40 interface GigabitEthernet 0/1 service-policy input voice-protect
ip access-list extended acl-ope permit ip any class-map match-all class-ope match access-group acl-ope policy-map policy-ope class class-ope set ip precedence 5 interface FastEthernet 0/1 service-policy output class-ope
policy-map policy1 class class1 bandwidth 1000 queue-limit 20 class class2 bandwidth 2000
access-list 100 permit tcp any eq 80 access-list 101 permit tcp any eq 80 class-map match-all QoS1 match access-group 100 class-map match-all QoS2 match access-group 101 policy-map QoS class QoS1 bandwidth 10000 !トラフィックが輻輳した際に、10Mbpsの帯域が保証 class QoS2 bandwidth 20000 !トラフィックが輻輳した際に、20Mbpsの帯域が保証 interface Ethernet0/1 service-policy output QoS 設定内容の確認やパケット数の確認 # show policy-map interface fa0/0
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